This repository contains various electronic project designs created using Altium Designer. Each project has its own folder containing schematic and PCB files.
The Flyback converter is a circuit that converts a DC input voltage to another DC voltage using a transformer as the energy storage element. This project includes the Flyback converter design.
The Half-Bridge converter is a circuit that uses semiconductor switching elements to convert DC to DC power. This project includes the half-bridge converter design.
The L298N motor driver circuit uses the L298N integrated circuit to drive two DC motors with a dual H-bridge configuration. This project includes the L298N motor driver design.
The LM2587 DC-DC boost converter circuit uses the LM2587 integrated circuit to convert a lower DC voltage to a higher DC voltage. This project includes the LM2587 DC-DC boost converter design.
The LM2596 DC-DC buck converter circuit uses the LM2596 integrated circuit to convert a higher DC voltage to a lower DC voltage. This project includes the LM2596 DC-DC buck converter design.
Each project is located in its own folder, containing the relevant schematic and PCB files. For example:
: Flyback Converter project filesHalf-Bridge Converter/
: Half-Bridge Converter project filesL298N MOTOR DRIVER/
: L298N Motor Driver project filesLM2587_DC-DC_Boost_Converter/
: LM2587 DC-DC Boost Converter project filesLM2596_DC-DC-Buck_Converter/
: LM2596 DC-DC Buck Converter project files.SchDoc
) and PCB (.PcbDoc
) files with Altium Designer.If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. All contributions and feedback are welcome.