
Hardware Design

This repository contains various electronic project designs created using Altium Designer. Each project has its own folder containing schematic and PCB files.


1. Flyback Converter

The Flyback converter is a circuit that converts a DC input voltage to another DC voltage using a transformer as the energy storage element. This project includes the Flyback converter design.


2. Half-Bridge Converter

The Half-Bridge converter is a circuit that uses semiconductor switching elements to convert DC to DC power. This project includes the half-bridge converter design.

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-08-31 224328

3. L298N Motor Driver

The L298N motor driver circuit uses the L298N integrated circuit to drive two DC motors with a dual H-bridge configuration. This project includes the L298N motor driver design.


4. LM2587 DC-DC Boost Converter

The LM2587 DC-DC boost converter circuit uses the LM2587 integrated circuit to convert a lower DC voltage to a higher DC voltage. This project includes the LM2587 DC-DC boost converter design.


6. LM2596 DC-DC Buck Converter

The LM2596 DC-DC buck converter circuit uses the LM2596 integrated circuit to convert a higher DC voltage to a lower DC voltage. This project includes the LM2596 DC-DC buck converter design.


Folder Structure

Each project is located in its own folder, containing the relevant schematic and PCB files. For example:


  1. Navigate to the relevant project folder.
  2. Open the schematic (.SchDoc) and PCB (.PcbDoc) files with Altium Designer.
  3. You can review, edit, and generate production files from the design.


If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. All contributions and feedback are welcome.